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Yankee Permaculture Publications

A Guide to Yankee Permaculture Publications: 1983-1997 (second edition - 8/25/97) * Focus *

Since 1983, Yankee Permaculture has published journals, newsletters, papers, and pamphlets on many aspects of permaculture. Our goal has been to fill the gaps in existing permaculture literature, to pull together and/or better express information otherwise not available in useful form, and to extend the development of permaculture as a concept and movement. Much of the material we have published has been in direct response to needs we perceived in our teaching of the Elfin Permaculture Design Course as well as permaculture workshops and lectures.

We believe that these writings of almost 15 years increase in usefulness as time goes on. Meanwhile, thousands of people new to permaculture do not learn about this useful information. Therefore, we have assembled a summary of these writings by topics. We have skipped items of diminished relevance because they are no longer timely. We hope that you find this list useful. Ordering information is located in the Yankee Permaculture Order Form and/or in our Special Order Catalog (Yankee Permaculture Paper #27.)

We strive to make the information below complete and correct. If you find omissions or errors, please let us know. The number of pages indicated for an article or publication may change in some cases as we update information and/or convert documents from typescript to computer typesetting.

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© Copyright Dan and Cynthia Hemenway, Barking Frogs Permaculture Center, Florida, USA. 2001. All rights reserved.
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