BFPC Links
- The Ecovillage Network : The focus of the
ecovillage network is the needs of future generations for a safe and healthy
planet to inhabit. We aim to create and present
to the world outstanding examples of what it means to live in community
in a sustainable way - in peace with one another and in harmony with nature.
- EcoLandTech : Documents, FAQs & links... a great resource
- The Permaculture Activist : North America'a journal of sustainable culture for 19
- Permaculture.Net
- Eastern Permaculture Teachers Association
- HerbNET : Everything Herbal - the herb growwing and marketing network
- SARE : Sustainable Agriculture Network - a program of USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
- UC-SAREP : Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program - featuring grants for reasearch and the documents resulting from previous grants
- TEKTRAN : Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System
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© Copyright Dan and Cynthia Hemenway, Barking Frogs Permaculture Center,
Florida, USA. 2001. All rights reserved. One copy of this page may be downloaded for personal use only.